Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We Were Soldiers

So I've been pretty bad about sticking with my blogs over the past weeks but I watched We Were Soldiers for the millionth time a couple days ago and that has got to be one of the best war movies I've seen, other than Saving Private Ryan of course. Mel Gibson just does an excellent job in his role and the way that the movie was filmed and directed just puts you right there, very similar to Spieldbergs SPR. The action is up close and at sometimes very personal. Joining the militia men is a photographer (played by the Sniper in SPR) and it's interesting everytime he takes a photograph it switches to still frame and shows the photo he just took, but it looks exactly like an original from that war. The story is very intense and the war is shown up close and at home in America. If you haven't seen this or Saving Private Ryan I highly suggest you go out and see both of these, and a heads up SPR is a long movie.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I just finished watching Pathfinder, and I was very dissapointed. The film was very dark, not only dark in a violent way but there was almost zero lighting. It looked like they were trying to copy 300 in the way they portrayed blood and everytime there was a huge kill (beheading, or slow motion death) they would use the CGI blood. They almost portrayed the main character is a god, setting up deathly traps in short periods of time, swimming in below freezing water for at least 10mins and surviving. I'm not too familiar with Pathfinder but if he is supposed to "unhuman" they in no way showed this.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


This past friday I saw Rob Zombie's take on Halloween. The movie was very disturbing and the thing that always stood out that was different from the previous version was that the boy seemed to be shown as a caring person the first 30 or 45mins of the movie. Rob Zombie slowly eased us all into what we knew to be inevitable, the boy slowly started to change in front of our eyes and we started to see his darker side with his obsession with masks and injuring being lower than him. But, what I liked is that Rob portrayed his change by the camera zooming in on his face and he slowly lowers his mask over his face which put him in "kill mode".

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Movie Blog #1

In the movie The Ex the main character Tom played by Zach Braff, he was constantly being put down by his wifes ex boyfriend Chip, who is disabled from the waist down. Throughout the movie Tome is constantly disbelieved and ridiculed because no one will believe what he's saying about Chip, because Chip has been around the business much longer than Tom has. There is one scene where all that is tested, Tom's wife goes to her parents house and Tom quickly chases after her and desperately tries to explain himself and tell everyone what he's found out about Chip but Tom quickly finds out that Chip is also at her parents house to help Tom's wife deal with what's going on.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What I saw

After our amazing teacher let us out early, and I stepped out of the building I was overcome with the blistering heat of the Florida sun. The temperature change was unbearable as I felt my body start to perspire. As I was walking too my car I noticed that everyone I saw seemed to be suffereing just as much as me. The sun was painfully bright as it made vivid outlines of the environment and people around me on the ground.