Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We Were Soldiers

So I've been pretty bad about sticking with my blogs over the past weeks but I watched We Were Soldiers for the millionth time a couple days ago and that has got to be one of the best war movies I've seen, other than Saving Private Ryan of course. Mel Gibson just does an excellent job in his role and the way that the movie was filmed and directed just puts you right there, very similar to Spieldbergs SPR. The action is up close and at sometimes very personal. Joining the militia men is a photographer (played by the Sniper in SPR) and it's interesting everytime he takes a photograph it switches to still frame and shows the photo he just took, but it looks exactly like an original from that war. The story is very intense and the war is shown up close and at home in America. If you haven't seen this or Saving Private Ryan I highly suggest you go out and see both of these, and a heads up SPR is a long movie.